Serving Larchmont Village, Hancock Park, and the Greater Wilshire neighborhoods of Los Angeles since 2011.

Backstage With the Buzz: Visionaries’ Vision of Tomorrow

The Comet/ Poppea. An Opera presented by MOCA and The Industry. Composed by George Lewis.
Libretto by Douglas Kearney. Concept & Direction by Yuval Sharon. Runs from June 14 – June 23, 2024

Yuval Sharon and George Lewis are two people of today who present us with a new way of experiencing, hearing, and seeing Opera. The Industry never fails to present us with challenging ways to look at art and therefore life. So crucial at this time in the world.

Yuval Sharon founded The Industry in 2010 and shocked the Opera world.

The next production of the Industry is the world premiere of The Comet/ Poppea which runs from June 14 – June 23, 2024 at the Geffen Contemporary at MOCA. It is approximately 90 minutes in length.

The Comet is composed by George Lewis inspired by a science fiction novel written by civil rights W.E.B. Du Bois in 1920. George Lewis is a professor at Columbia University, plus he wears many more hats.

The Coronation of Poppea the Opera was composed by Monteverdi about ancient Roman politics in 1643.

Douglas Kearney did the libretto which tied it all together. I feel it tells us that there is more than one way of looking at things. You can be challenged by what is presented.

Basically, it is two Operas on a rotating stage, the audience stays in their seats, you see both sides of each Opera or bits of sides – challenging yes.

How exciting an experience is that!

I’ve interviewed Yuval Sharon & George Lewis and admire both and can’t wait to see this production.


Please see for information and tickets.

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Sheila Tepper
Sheila Tepper
Backstage with the Buzz is written by Sheila Tepper, Producer Cultural Programming. Sheila has lived in the Larchmont area for fifty years, among her passions have been passing legislation for children with disabilities and interviewing outstanding artists appearing in the Los Angeles area.

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